Evénements passés

Summer school « Wave Propagation and Control in Complex Media 2024 – Mesoscopic Phenomena and Applications« 
This regular school on waves and imaging in complex media was supported by the GDR Complexe and took place in Cargèse, Corsica, from the 15th to the 19th of April 2024. More information can be found on the dedicated website: https://complexmedia2024.sciencesconf.org

L’édition d’INNOVFIBRE 2024 s’est tenue du 10 au 14 Juin 2024 sur l’île d’Oléron. Site web de la conference: https://innovfibre2024.sciencesconf.org Elle a impliqué des cours généraux et des cours dédiés aux développements actuels dans le domaine de la conception et la fabrication des fibres optiques de spécialité et de leurs applications

Colloque « Unconventional Optical Imaging »
Le colloque  Unconventional Optical Imaging  (organisateurs Nicolas Verrier et Marc Georges) s’est tenu dans le cadre de la conférence SPIE Photonics Europe qui a eu lieu au Palais de Congrès à Strasbourg du 7 au 11 avril 2024 (avec une liste de 29 colloques). 

KOZWaves conference on wave science
The KOZWaves 2024 conference took place at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, from Wednesday 31 January to Friday 02 February at the start of 2024, see conference webpageThe conference aimed at promoting contemporary research on wave science, interdisciplinary collaborations between Australasian wave scientists, and with international researchers. It focused on advancing mathematical, numerical and experimental techniques, and modelling across the different branches of wave science, including acoustics, elasticity, optics, gravitation, seismology, and water waves among others. 2024 also marked the 10-year anniversary of the conference.

International Conference on Quantum Simulation
This conference, organized by Laurent Sanchez-Palencia and Jérôme Beugnon, was supported by the GDR COMPLEXE and took place at Ecole Polytechnique in Palaiseau (near by Paris) from the13th to the 17th of November 2023. The conference presented an up to date perspective on the thriving field of quantum simulation. The scientific program combined invited tutorial talks by prominent specialists of the field, contributed talks and poster presentations. The conference was also organized in the framework of the French network QUANTIP (Quantum Technologies in Paris Region). More information may be found on the conference website.

Thematic school WACO Waves in Complex Media
This school took place in Les Houches in September 18-29, 2023. It was co-organized by the GDR COMPLEXE and the SFO, with support from CNRS. It consisted of general lectures on wave transport, imaging, control of waves in complex media and atomic physics (6 to 8 hours each), complemented by shorter seminars shedding light on the most recent developments. The school was especially dedicated to PhD students, postdocs and academic or R&D researchers who wish to develop their knowledge in this domain. Website of the school

Summer school « Quantum localization and glassy physics »
The summer school « Quantum localization and glassy physics » took place in Cargese from the 18th to the 28th of July 2023. The format of the school consisted of long lectures given in the morning by key speakers, followed by a few seminars in the afternoon. The aim of the lectures was to provide a general introduction to the topic (from basic to recent results).  Lectures were about Anderson localization, Many-body localization, Disordered bosons, Structural glasses, Slow dynamics, Strong disorder renormalization group approaches, Numerical methods. More detailed information can be found on the school webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/qlgp-cargese-2023/home

Workshop Quantum Systems in Noronha
The Workshop Quantum Systems in Noronha (« QuSys 2023 »), which will take place in Fernando de Noronha, Brazil, November 12-17, 2023. This workshop addresses the dynamics of many-body quantum systems, with a focus on platforms of quantum emitters and their use to process quantum information. Registration for posters and contributed talks is already open on our website.
Workshop website: https://sites.google.com/ufscar.br/romain/events/qusys-noronha-2023

Renouvellement du GDR
Le GDR Complexe a été officiellement renouvelé en 2023 pour une durée de cinq ans. Le projet de renouvellement est accessible ici.

 « Mathematical theory and applications of multiple scattering » programme
The “Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering” programme will involve several scientific events around the mathematics of multiple wave scattering, taking place in January-June 2023, including a winter school and workshops (see the attached poster). Details of the programme can be found here: https://www.newton.ac.uk/event/mws/

11th Workshop on Quantum Chaos and Localization Phenomena
This workshop took place online on 25-26 May 2023. It was organized by the Institute of Physics and the Center for Theoretical Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The workshop’s objectives ware to assess achievements and to formulate directions of new research on quantum chaos and localisation, to bring together prominent experimental and theoretical physicists who share a common interest in quantum chaos and localisation phenomena. http://info.ifpan.edu.pl/chaos/chaos23/

Symposium « Quantum imaging: unlocking the power of multimode optics »
This symposium on quantum imaging was held on June 15, 2023 at Sorbonne University, Amphithéatre Herpin, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris from 9am to 5pm. The symposium was organized by Sylvain Gigan and Hugo Defienne and aimed to explore the latest developments and applications of multimode optics in quantum imaging. Symposium website: https://quantumimagingparis.fr/symposium/.


Conference « Topology in Physics on Mount Camel »
A conference on topology in physics took place in Haifa, Israel, on May 15-18 2023. The conference was organized by Eric Akkermans and Ari Turner. This conference aimed to bring together many of the physicists contributing creatively to this topological revolution in condensed matter physics, in honour of one of its pioneers, professor Joshua Zak. https://phsites.technion.ac.il/topology-and-physics-on-mount-carmel/

Wavinaire Questions Ouvertes
Un Wavinaire Questions Ouvertes portant sur le contrôle des ondes en milieux complexes a eu lieu le 15 décembre 2022. Il a comporté trois exposés :
-une introduction au façonnage du front d’onde, au principe de l’optique adaptative et à sa généralisation aux milieux complexes via le concept de matrice de transmission par Dorian Bouchet (LiPhy)
– la généralisation des techniques de contrôles du front d’onde et leurs applications à d’autres observables/contrastes optiques par Sylvain Gigan (Professeur à Sorbonne Université, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel)

– une ouverture industrielle vers les surfaces intelligentes reconfigurables, pendant du modulateur spatial de lumière pour les radio-fréquences par Geoffroy Lerosey (CEO, GreenerWave)

4th Annual Workshop of the GdR Complexe
The 2022 workshop of the GDR Complexewas held on December 7 – 9, 2022 in Paris, in the amphitheater of Institut Langevin. This meeting gathered scientists working around the physics of waves in complex media in a broad sense. Workshop website: https://gdrcomplexe2022.sciencesconf.org

Colloque NanoApp« Apparence visuelle de milieux nanostructurés »
Le colloque NanoApp s’est tenu les mercredi 16 et jeudi 17 novembre 2022 à Villeurbanne (Lyon, 69). Il visait à stimuler la recherche française, académique et industrielle, en rassemblant chercheur.e.s et ingénieur.e.s, travaillant autour de la thématique de l’apparence des milieux nanostructurés, sur des sujets variés, notamment la coloration structurelle dans le monde vivant, le biomimétisme en optique, l’ingénierie des surfaces, la chimie colloïdale, la physique des ondes dans les milieux complexes, la nano-photonique, la synthèse d’images et la perception visuelle. https://nanoapp-2022.sciencesconf.org/

Workshop on Wave Localization and Many-body Localization in Quantum Information
This workshop, organized by Marcel Filoche, Jean-Philippe Banon and Svitlana Mayboroda, took place in Cargèse, France, on October 23-29 2022, in the frame of the Simons Collaboration on the Localization of Waves. The scope of the school was relatively broad, with themes such as Anderson localization, many-body localization, strongly correlated systems and quantum simulators and lectured by outstanding researchers in the field. Workshop website https://cse.umn.edu/wave/wl-mblqi-event 


Localisation 2022 conference 
The localisation 2022 conference took place on August 25-30, 2022 in a hybrid format on-site/on-line (on-site place: Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan). The topics covered included Anderson localization and transition in disordered systems (electronic, photonic, phononic, random graphs and others), effects of disorder in topological insulators, semimetals, and graphene, quantum Hall transitions, many-body localization, localization and topology in disordered non-Hermitian systems, machine learning approach to disordered quantum systems and localization phenomena in artificial quantum systems such as cold atoms and spin ices. Conference website: https://2022.localisation.cloud

Cargèse summer school « Waves in complex media – From spatial to temporal degrees of freedom 2022« 
The next Cargèse summer school « Waves in complex media – From spatial to temporal degrees of freedom 2022 » took place from the 12th to the 16th of September 2022. It was organized by F. Lemoult, R. Pierrat, and S. M. Popoff. School website: https://www.institut-langevin.espci.fr/cargese_2022


3rd annual Workshop of the GdR Complexe
The third Annual Workshop of the GdR Complexe was held on December 13 – 15, 2021 in Paris, Institut Langevin. As in the previous years, this meeting gathered scientists working around the physics of waves in complex media in a broad sense. 

Workshop on Collective Scattering of Light 2021
The Workshop on Collective Scattering of Light (“CoScaLi 2021”) took place on September 12-17, 2021. It was organized by Mathilde Hugbart (Fouché), Romain Bachelard and Robin Kaiser. This was an hybrid meeting with at most 30 persons for the face-to-face meeting in Porquerolles. The workshop topics included cooperative scattering, Anderson localization of light, Dicke super and subradiance, mesoscopic physics with cold atoms, Multiple scattering of light, Ab initio models for light scattering, collective optical forces.

Online workshop series on wave propagation in time-varying media
Imperial College London organized an online workshop series dedicated to wave propagation in time-varying media. The 4 events included three topical sessions and one poster session: Theory and Fundamental Concepts, 2021/03/31, 2-5 pm (UK time), Engineering Aspects and Sonic Implementations, 2021/04/28, 2-5 pm (UK time), Nonlinear Optics and Nanophotonic Platforms, 2021/05/26, 2-5 pm (UK time), Poster Sessions, 2021/06/30, 2-5 pm (UK time)

Mini workshop on Interactions, topology and symmetry in disordered systems
A mini workshop on interactions, topology and symmetry in disordered systems, sponsored by the GdR COMPLEXE, took place during the “Journées de la Matière Condensée”, organized on August 24-27, 2021. 

Summer school « Wave propagation and control in complex media — From order to disorder 2021 »
This summer school on waves and imaging in complex media took place from 28 to 30 June online. It was organized by F. Lemoult, R. Pierrat and S. M. Popoff.

Ecole thématique « Fibres optiques spéciales : de la technologie de fabrication aux applications les plus innovantes »
L’école INNOV-Fibre 2021 s’est déroulée du 14 au 18 juin 2021 à Saint-Pierre d’Oléron. Elle était organisée par  le Groupe d’Intérêt Scientique GRIFON. L’objectif de cette école, grâce à son programme pédagogique et scientifique pluridisciplinaire, était de développer les connaissances et favoriser l’éclosion de nouvelles idées dans les domaines de la conception et la fabrication des fibres optiques et de leurs applications, d’initier des réseaux d’échanges et de collaborations afin de renforcer la communauté et de contribuer à l’insertion des jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs dans le domaine.

2nd Annual Workshop of the GdR Complexe
The annual workshop of the GdR Complexe was fully held online from Monday, November 30th, to Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020. The workshop included short scientific sessions on wave scattering in random media, light and cold atoms, fluids of light, topological photonics, imaging and wave control in complex media, photonics and nanostructures, seismic wave scattering, localization phenomena, wave statistics, random matrices.

Localisation2020 conference (online)
The localisation2020 conference took place on August 24th (Mon) – 28th (Fri), 2020It provided an opportunity to report recent progress and discuss open problems in localisation and related fields. Usually organized in Sapporo, the Localisation2020 was  this year held online as a virtual conference due to the Covid19 pandemic.

Mini-colloquium « Casimir Effect and Heat Transfer Advances » (online)
A special mini-colloquium entitled “Casimir Effect and Heat Transfer Advances” was held on August 31- September 4 2020, during the international CMD2020GEFES conference which took place online this year. The colloquium was organized by M. Antezza, M. Boström and S. C. Palacios. 

School on « Anderson Localization: landscape theory and experiments with ultracold atoms »
A school on Anderson Localization was held online from October 6 – 10, 2020. The school was organized by T. Bourdel and P. Pelletier, in the framework of the Simons collaboration on Localization of Waves.

Les Houches doctoral school « A toolbox for quantum technologies with light and matter »
This school took place at Les Houches from 13 September to 18 September 2020. Topics included quantum optics, topological states, plasmonic quantum optics,quantum metrology, light scattering in disordered media, artificial atoms for quantum technologies, quantum optics using rydberg atoms. 

Workshop on the Theory of waves in random media
A workshop on theoretical aspects around wave propagation in random media took place in Sheffield (UK) on 24-25 June 2020. The event brought together mathematicians and theoretical physicists working on multiple scattering of classical waves (acoustic, electromagnetic, …) in random media such as gases, emulsions, powders, porous and polycrystalline materials to bridge the gap between communities and theoretical methods. 

Summer school on interaction of light with cold atoms
The ICTP-SAIFR School on Interaction of Light with Cold Atoms took place at ICTP-SAIFR at the UNESP campus in São Paulo, Brazil, in September 16-27, 2019. This school aimed at training PhD and post‐doc students (and selected master´s students) in the physics of light interacting with cold atoms, introducing them to the basics and familiarizing them with applications in modern technology.

Workshop on disorder and chaos
A workshop on disorder and chaos took place in Grenoble (France), LPMMC, on November 14 and 15 2019. The workshop was organized by Sergey Skipetrov (LPMMC) Alain Joye (Institut Fourier) and Bart van Tiggelen (LPMMC). Program of the workshop

Workshop « Atoms and photons Nice 2019 »
A workshop on atoms and photons took place in Nice (France) on November 2019 from 5th to 7th. This workshop brought together leading experts on cold atoms, quantum physics, nonlinear optics, light-atom interaction and related collective phenomena. The workshop included an exceptional session at Calern and a visit of Calern observatory. 

Les Houches predoc school on interaction of light and cold atoms
A two-week predoctoral school on interaction of light and cold atoms took place in Les Houches from 30 September to 11 October 2019. The course was targeted at the advanced undergraduate level and emphasizes formal lectures building on textbook knowledge. This goal meets the requirements of the Les Houches pre-doctoral school program. The school was intended primarily for PhD students in their first or second year. 

Summer school Imaging in Wave Physics: Multi-Wave and Large Sensor Networks
A summer school on “Imaging in Wave Physics: Multi-Wave and Large Sensor Networks” and supported by the GdR Complexe took place at the Institut d’Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse in Corsica on September 23rd – 27th, 2019. The school was organized by A. Aubry, R. Pierrat and S. Popoff and consisted of lectures given by eminent scientists and seminars to present recent works and applications. Main topics included waves in complex media, time-reversal, multi-wave, seismic, ultrasound, speckle imaging, deep learning. The deadline for applications was June 1st, 2019. See here for the school poster.

Complex Nanophotonics Science Camp
The 4th Complex Nanophotonics Science Camp, organized by Jacopo Bertolotti, Paloma Huidobro, Giorgio Volpe and Kevin Vynck, took place on 11-14 August 2019 in the Cumberland Lodge in Windsor Great Park, near London. The Science Camp brought together about 60 early-career scientists working at the interface between photonics and complexity – but also journal editors, grant panellists, and industrial representatives.

Workshop on time crystals
A workshop on ‘Time crystals and Related Phenomena’ took place at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, 4-6 September 2019. The aim of the workshop was to bring together experts and young researchers working on time crystals and periodically driven systems and to exchange knowledge and experience.

Conference « Waves Côte d’Azur »
A transdisciplinary conference on nonlinearity and disorder in wave phenomena and supported by the GdR Complexe took place in Nice, France, from 4 to 7 June, 2019.

Les Houches predoc school on « Light Matter Interaction in Dilute Media and Individual Quantum Systems »
A one week pre-doctoral school in les Houches on « Light Matter Interaction in Dilute Media and Individual Quantum Systems » was organised by Quentin Glorieux, Julien Laurat and Antoine Browaeys. The school took place between april 14th and 19th 2019. It was designed for undergraduate master students, and first and second year PhD students.

1st Workshop of the GdR Complexe
The first workshop of the GdR Complexe gathered French and international research teams working around the physics of waves in disordered media or in complex systems in the broad sense. The workshop took place at Institut Langevin in Paris, on April 1-2 2019.

Workshop on « Localization of Waves »
A workshop on “Localization of Waves” took place in Paris, in January 9-11, 2018. The workshop was preceded by short courses on spectral theory and mathematical approaches to localization at Institut d’Optique, Palaiseau, in January 7-8, and organized by Guy David (Orsay) and Marcel Filoche (Palaiseau). See here for the workshop poster.

Workshop on multiple scattering and localization of light
A workshop on multiple scattering and localization of light  took place in Grenoble (France) on November 22, 2018 at the Maison des Magisteres in Grenoble (https://lpmmc.cnrs.fr/spip.php?rubrique37). The workshop was organized by Igor Sokolov and Sergey Skipetrov and sponsored by the GdR COMPLEXE. See  here for the program.

Workshop on chiral modes in optics and electronics in 2D systems
A workshop on chiral modes in optics and electronics in 2D systems took place in Aussois (France), in November 26-28, 2018. The workshop aimed to establish a dialog between researchers working with electrons, photons, polaritons, Cooper pairs, cold atoms, phonons on this topic.

Workshop on « Correlated disorder and hyperuniformity in soft matter and photonics »
A workshop on correlated disorder and hyperuniformity in soft matter and photonics took place at Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris, in October 15-17, 2018. The workshop was organized by Romain Pierrat, Rémi Carminati, Michel Cloitre and Frank Scheffold.

Journée thématique « Propagation d’ondes dans les milieux dispersifs : application aux liquides à bulles et aux matériaux de second gradient »
Le GDR MecaWave organisait une journée thématique sur la “propagation d’ondes dans les milieux dispersifs : application aux liquides à bulles et aux matériaux de second gradient”. Cette journée a eu lieu le 5 octobre 2018 au Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique (Marseille). Plus de détails ici

Workshop on Collective Scattering of Light
A workshop on Collective Scattering of Light (“CoScaLi 2018”) took place in Fernando de Noronha PE (Brazil), in August 27-31, 2018. The workshop was organized by Romain Bachelard and Robin Kaiser and covered topics on coherent scattering by many-body systems.

Summer school « Complex2018 »
The GdR COMPLEXE organized a summer school on transport, mesoscopy and imaging of waves in complex media. The school took place at the Institute of Scientific Studies in Cargèse (IESC) in Corsica island, France, from Monday, May 28 to Friday, June 1, 2018.

Création du GdR
Le GdR 2016 “Contrôle des Ondes en Milieu Complexe” a été créé le 9 janvier 2018 pour une période de 5 ans. Le GdR est évalué par les sections 05 (section principale), 08, 04 ,03, 09 et 18 du Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique.