Offres d’emploi

2-year postdoctoral position on Dynamical phase transitions in quenched Bose gases
A theoretical postdoctoral position opens at LKB in Paris, to address the non-equilibrium dynamics of 2D Bose gases quenched across the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition. The project will involve a variety of methods such as field theories, kinetic approaches and numerical simulations. A collaboration with the local experimental group investigating non-equilibrium fluids of light will be possible. The postdoc is expected to start on January 2025, but the position will remain open untill filed. Interested candidates should contact Nicolas Cherroret at nicolas.cherroret at See here for a more detailed description of the position.

15-months postdoctoral position on Wave control through walls using reconfigurable surfaces
Applications are invited for a 15-month postdoctoral position at IETR Rennes.  The work will be dedicated to the enhancement of transmission through walls in the microwave regime using reconfigurable systems. The postdoc is expected to start on october/november 2024. Interested candidates should contact Matthieu Davy at matthieu.davy at See here for a more detailed description of the position.

Call for two junior group leaders in physical sciences at the young team incubator of the Institute of Physics of Collège de France (IPCDF), Paris
Two young investigator/junior group leader positions are open at the Physics Institute of Collège de France (IPCdF). We are aiming at high-level scientists with 2 to 12 years of experience after the PhD, for starting independent work in the field of experimental or theoretical physics. The position is for four years, with a possible renewal for a second four-year period, after review. The laureate will be granted office space, lab space for experimental projects, administrative support, funds for running costs and will have access to internal Collège de France calls for postdoctoral positions. A clean room and a computer cluster are accessible, with the support of research engineers. Technical support also includes a wellequipped mechanics workshop. The position does not include salary, which must be provided from another institution (e.g. within CNRS or Universities) or through an already obtained grant. Laureates are expected to start their activity between March and September, 2025. See here for details on the application procedure.

Postdoc/PhD position at LCPQ Toulouse
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral or PhD position at the Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques (Toulouse, France), to work on  Metal-insulator transitions in correlated systems with disorder (Keywords Metal-insulator transition, Anderson localization, disordered systems, strongly correlated materials, Hubbard model, dynamical mean-field theory). See here and here for more details about the positions. The expected starting date is October 1st, 2024. Applications should be submitted to Cyril MARTINS ( They must include a curriculum vitae (including names of potential referees), a list of publication and a short statement of you research interest and how they relate to the project.

[Urgent] PhD position at CEHMTI (Orléans)
A PhD position is available at CEHMTI (Orléans) to work on the Design of functional properties in random many-particle materials by means of cooperative electromagnetic scattering, under the supervision of Cédric Blanchard and Olivier Rozenbaum. The PhD is expected to start on September to November 2024. Interested candidates should contact cedric.blanchard at and send a curriculum vitae, a cover letter and a  letter of recommendation. See here for more details about the job.

PhD position at LiPHY (Grenoble)
A PhD position in experimental physics opens at the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique de Grenoble under the supervision of Dorian Bouchet and Emmanuel Bossy, in the following topics: – Optimal acoustic sensing in complex scattering media and Optimal selective focusing of light on moving targets. More information can be found here and here. Interested candidates should contact  Dorian Bouchet ( )


Postdoctoral associate in mathematical physics
A 3-year postdoctoral associate in mathematical physics will open soon at Northumbria University (Newcastle, UK). The project, funded by an EPSRC grant, is to study a new model of many-body particles and study the classical/quantum correspondence for it, based on A background on quantum or statistical field theory, semiclassical techniques (path integral quantization) is required. Interested candidates should contact Rémy Dubertrand at

PhD position on Quantum Transport in Disordered Semiconductors
A PhD position opens at EPSCI under the supervision of Marcel Filoche, with the aim to establish a new model of quantum transport in disordered materials, taking into account structural disorder at the nanoscale, by exploiting the localization landscape theory (see here for more details). This thesis will be part of a larger project, funded by the Simons Foundation, dedicated to wave localization (“Localization of Waves,” Interested candidates should contact Prof. Marcel Filoche, marcel.filoche at

3-year postdoc position on the modeling of large-dimensional optical meta surfaces
Applications are invited for a 3-year postdoctoral position at LP2N in Bordeaux. 
 The work will involve developing theoretical tools and approximate models to predict how light is scattered by large sets of randomly or ordered meta-atoms, see here for more details. The postdoc is expected to start on septembre 2023. Interested candidates should contact Philippe Lalanne at philippe.lalanne at

Postdoc position at the University of Toronto
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Position in the Physics Department at the University of Toronto for Theoretical Research in Condensed Matter Physics and the Science and Applications of Photonic Crystals. The hired postdoc will work with Prof. Sajeev John in topics including light-matter interactions in photonic crystals, sound sculpting in phononic crystals, and topological spintronics. Applications to solar energy harvesting, optical bio-sensing for medical diagnostics, and novel quantum phenomena will also be considered. Familiarity with numerical and computational methods is required. A more detailed description of recent research can be found at or here 

Postdoc position on many-body quantum dynamics, LPT Toulouse, France
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellowship on the topics of non-equilibrium quantum matter (quantum dynamics, many-body localization, entanglement, etc). The position is for two years, with a starting date ranging from Spring to Fall 2024.  The postdoc will work in collaboration with F. Alet and N. Laflorencie. Interested candidates should preferentially have a background in quantum many-body physics and/or computational physics. Applications with a CV and a brief research statement, and names of at least two referees should be sent to  fabien.alet at and nicolas.laflorencie at

Postdoc position in theoretical many-body quantum physics
The research group of Prof. Peter Schlagheck at University of Liège (Belgium) is offering a two-years (full-time) postdoctoral position in the field of theoretical many-body quantum physics, focusing on the challenge of creating highly entangled NOON states with ultracold atoms via Floquet engineering (see here for details). Applications should contain a CV and a cover letter, including the contact details of two references. They should be sent to peter.schlagheck at Applications received until Friday October 27th (2023) will be preferentially considered.

Postdoc position at LKB (Paris)
A postdoctoral position in theoretical physics opens in the « Quantum theory, Atoms and Fields » group of LKB (campus of Sorbonne Université, Paris). The aim of the postdoc will be to develop a scattering description of Casimir forces between metallic plates, by properly treating the non-specular reflection of virtual photons on the impurities embedded in the metal. The main objective will be to understand how these heterogeneities affect the Casimir force and whether their account can reconcile theory and experiments. The research work will involve theoretical methods such as diagrammatic treatments of disorder scattering, random-matrix theories and Casimir physics, as well as numerical methods. Applicants should contact Serge Reynaud (serge.reynaud at and Nicolas Cherroret (nicolas.cherroret at with a CV including reference names and a motivation letter. More information about the job offer here.

Postdoc position at LP2N (Bordeaux)
A  3-year postdoctoral position at Bordeaux on Modelisation and design of disordered optical metasurfaces opens in Bordeaux (see attached document for more details). The project will start on September 2023 at the Laboratoire Photonique Numérique et Nanosciences (LP2N) and will last 5 years. It will gather skills on complex media, electromagnetism, nanophotonics, rendering, structural color and nanofabrication. The present offer concerns a 3-year postdoc pomodelization and design. More information on the group  can be found at Applicants should contact philippe lalanne (philippe.lalanne at with a resume including reference names and a motivation letter. More details here